Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Go into all nations...

I got to see God do some pretty incredible things this past year at UAB, one of the greatest being the development of a heart for the nations among the students in that ministry. The BCM has sent out summer missionaries in the past, but this summer we're sending students out to six of the seven continents!! (Apparently, the need for workers in Antarctica isn't that great!) This is a really big deal for us- ten percent of our students will be serving God through missions for all or part of their summer!
Their journeys begin today- two of our guys are on their way to India as I write this. I'm excited for these students, to see their passion for the Lord, and I can't wait to hear all their stories as they return and learn how God used them and what He's teaching them.
Pray for Amanda, Andrew, Casey, Daniel, Dusti, Josie, Laura Beth, Lindsay, Sybil, Teresa, Tori, and Will. They will be serving in Australia, China, Germany, India, Peru, Serbia, Swaziland and the US. (all in alphabetical order- can't mention who's going where- God knows though) Declare HIM fearlessly, my friends!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Jess! I started my new blog for the summer! I have a question though, did you say that you were able to see who looks at your blog or just how many people have viewed it? How? Thanks!! How's everything in Nashville?? I just got your notecard in the mail, thanks so much! I miss you sooo much!
