Thursday, June 21, 2007

Big Day

What a Thursday! Rob & I booked flights for our honeymoon in Savannah, GA, and chose a hotel. When Rob called to make those reservations, the price the woman gave him was about $30 more per night than what he found on the internet, so she hooked us up with a good deal! We're excited about going to a new city that neither of us has ever been to. Now we've just got to figure out what we're going to do there!
AND, our other big news of the day---- we put a contract on a house!! It's started, but currently is just a "slab and studs". The cool thing about that is we'll get to pick everything- from the bricks to the countertops! It's a very exciting, very overwhelming, time for me (Rob is as laid-back and cool as ever!) We're praying, though, that God will take care of every detail so that we can easily transition into a new home and new life together. I can't believe how smoothly things have worked out to this point... isn't HE good?!

1 comment:

Amy said...

How exciting!

I'll just tell you this now...these house decisions will give you a big relationship workout before the big day. Consider it a sort of premarital test! :)

Have fun with it, though!