Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Two posts in one week... look out!
First- I decided to change the "Wedding Photo" website to a "Jess & Rob's Photos of Everything" Website. I don't know how many different albums I can have there, but if there's a limit I guess I'll just rotate the old ones out as new ones get added. All that to say- there are new pictures up!! (if you're interested in seeing our trip to The Big Apple). Bookmark our page!
I also wanted to send you a link to my friend Angie's blog, Bring the Rain. It was created to share the story of her baby, Audrey, who hasn't entered the world yet, and get people praying for their family. It's a sweet dedication from a family I've grown to love (Angie & her family are in our community group from church.) And while I know their story will stir you to pray, I'll caution you that it will also strike your heart- get a tissue before you read. Please share their journey and please pray for them!

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