Monday, January 15, 2007

Adding to my resume'...

I've got a few new skills to list- soot/smoke removal and demolition specialist! I got to work with Rob this weekend on a couple of different jobs, and see just how intense ServPro really is!! Instead of a Friday night date, we worked together in the bathroom of a house that caught fire. Rob cut out the drywall while I ripped up the floor. He was hesitant to let me in the house at all- I had to remind him not to think of me as a delicate flower but as a tough crew member, ready to work! It was actually a little fun and somewhat therapeutic. In that house, I also helped tear down the living room walls and pulled out insulation. Saturday and Sunday I assisted on some moisture checks of a flooded house, moved about 70 boxes of stuff that was pulled from a smoked out storage unit, and helped clean some of the smokey items.
It was good for me to see what all Rob does on a daily basis. I learned that ServPro is about a lot more than extracting water and cleaning carpets. Now knowing what kinds of things he encounters and deals with, I'll probably worry about him a lot more, but it's also got me praying for him even more too. It wasn't exactly what I would call a relaxing, restful weekend. I got to spend time with Rob, though, and that's always good! (We did go on a date Saturday night... dinner at The Acorn in Nashville's West End-- wow!!!)
Though it may be a short week, I'll be busy in a crazy way... It's ok. I love my students at UAB, so I don't mind the chaos too much! Happy Monday everyone!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Happy 2007!!!

Welcome to another new year! I can't believe it's already 2007... ten years since I graduated high school (yikes!) Man, I feel old! The holidays were great, but I'm actually a little happy that they're over and life is moving on now... on with the show!
A few years ago, a friend shared with me her New Years tradtion- rather than make a list of resolutions, she makes a list of things she's thankful for. I've done lists of 100, but for the sake of time & space, I think I'll just do 27, to celebrate 2007... What things from 2006 are you thankful for?

1. Robert Moore Dixon- the best thing that happened to me in 2006
2. My family- they've put up with me for 27 years
3. Good health- my body isn't perfect, but I'm alive and thankful to be walking around
4. Jesus- no explanation needed
5. My ministry at UAB- I love my job!
6. My girls at UAB
7. My job at Starbucks- health insurance is valuable
8. Mexican food
9. I didn't have to go to school in 2006- and I'll always have two degrees
10. A nice, safe apartment to live in
11. Omar, my reliable car
12. Courtney and Shannon- my friends who've stayed close since college
13. Julie, Lorie, Tracy, Margo, and Amy- my friends who've stayed close since Prague
14. Carrie, Kari, Megan, Erin, and all the girls I'm blessed to call my friends
15. Technology- cell phones & email that allow me to stay in touch with my friends
16. Sunshine in December- or any day for that matter!
17. Flip flops
18. Freedom to read my Bible and tell people about it, whenever and wherever I want
19. Music- singing in my car makes me happy
20. New friends I've added to my life in the past year
21. Clearwater Community Church (Birmingham) and Grace Community Church (Nashville)
22. LSU- my alma mater, my launch pad, and my favorite football team
23. Pink- anything and everything
24. Photographs of friends & family whose memories make me smile
25. Blankets
26. Hope of good things to come in 2007
27. Promise of better things beyond this lifetime

(*This list was completely spontaneous, and not necessarily in any particular order)