Monday, September 21, 2009

Still Waiting

Pregnancy is so weird! There are days when I'm so anxious to meet Sydney I can hardly stand it; other days I'm crying because she'll be here so soon and I'm not ready! Ready or not, she's coming- and no matter when that happens, I will be absolutely thrilled to see her little face!
My girl & I had one of those moments today I think I will remember forever (at least, I hope so!). I was sitting at my desk after lunch, enjoying a moment of quiet. I could feel Syd up high, right in the middle of my belly. I had been rubbing, but I started pressing on her a little harder- trying to figure out what body part of hers was right there, when the little stinker scooted away from me! Seriously, I felt her sort of roll out of the way toward my left side, and suddenly the spot I was pressing was very soft- she was gone from there! I felt bad for messing with her, so I quickly apologized and started gently rubbing again. A minute or two later, I felt her slowly ease her way back up, right underneath my hand. I was thrilled that she "came back", and then she gently kicked right at my palm! She may have been trying to say "Leave me alone, I'm trying to sleep!" but I loved it, and immediately texted Rob to tell him! This was the first time I've felt like our interactions were intentional.