Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Prayer Request

Please pray for our friend Lyle- yes, the one we went on vacation with last month. He's only 29, yet he's having a pacemaker put in tomorrow! This is not a planned operation; Lyle passed out a couple of times yesterday and went to the emergency room, and found out this today that he needs to have this surgery in the morning. Please lift Lyle, and his wife Melissa, in prayer!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Need to Brag

In case you didn't know- I have the best husband in the world! He has been working like crazy and is fighting off a nasty cold, and HE cooked ME dinner! I know what some of you are thinking: Shame on you- you should be taking care of him. And I try really hard to be a good wife! In fact, I had taken out the stuff for dinner tonight with every intention for myself to cook a fabulous dinner, but Rob beat me to it, and well, the kitchen in our apartment really isn't big enough for two. He made poached salmon, toasted cous-cous with tomatoes and feta cheese, steamed fresh broccoli, and creme brulee' for dessert. Yes, I said creme brulee'- he got the kit, torch included, for Christmas (I think he really just wanted the torch and it happened to come with tiny dishes and a recipe too!) Needless to say, dinner was DELICIOUS... I'm spoiled, I know it, and I love it.

ADVICE TO THE SINGLE GIRLS: Find a man who loves to cook!!!!!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Quick Post

The bank accepted our offer, which means...
Praising God for His faithfulness and provisions...

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Two posts in one week... look out!
First- I decided to change the "Wedding Photo" website to a "Jess & Rob's Photos of Everything" Website. I don't know how many different albums I can have there, but if there's a limit I guess I'll just rotate the old ones out as new ones get added. All that to say- there are new pictures up!! (if you're interested in seeing our trip to The Big Apple). Bookmark our page!
I also wanted to send you a link to my friend Angie's blog, Bring the Rain. It was created to share the story of her baby, Audrey, who hasn't entered the world yet, and get people praying for their family. It's a sweet dedication from a family I've grown to love (Angie & her family are in our community group from church.) And while I know their story will stir you to pray, I'll caution you that it will also strike your heart- get a tissue before you read. Please share their journey and please pray for them!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Second Attempt

Well, Rob and I are trying again to become homeowners! We submitted an offer last night, and now we wait. The home is currently owned by a bank, so the offer involves a little more paperwork, and a little more waiting to hear back whether or not it is accepted. This is harder than I thought it would be.
It's a great house! Two stories, three bedrooms, cool kitchen, big yard... I keep wondering why no one else has bought it! It was for sale last summer when we were looking, and I can't believe it hasn't been snatched up before now. My only hope is that God has been saving this one just for us!!
We are now more confident than ever that the "other" house (the one we tried to buy before we got married) was not meant to be ours. We've been reminded over and over that it wasn't God's best for us. In fact, we drove past it a few weeks ago, on the night we first went out exploring and looking for FOR SALE signs... no other houses on the block were finished yet, there were 2 dumpsters and a bulldozer across the street, there were no lights except for the lonely bulb over their garage. It was a little creepy- kind of like a ghost town- and I told Rob, "I'm SO happy that isn't where we live!" We have thanked God often that He kept us from that house.
I have to admit- I'm a little nervous. My home-buying experience is limited, but I don't exactly have any good experience to reference. And it doesn't help that I'm not what you would call a patient person. I want so badly to start thinking about where we'll put the furniture, and what color we'll paint the dining room, but I'm afraid to get too excited too soon. It's going to be a long week, waiting to hear back from the bank. Pray for me, that I wouldn't be anxious and distracted as we wait.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Thinking out loud

First things first- I'm sorry for doubting! I figured no one was listening and I quit rambling... thanks to all who responded to my post last week and let me know you're still out there and interested in what's going on in my corner of the world. It felt good to hear from so many. I knew already that I am loved, but it still felt good to be reminded. Tell someone that you love them today.
If I can get a little introspective and intimate...
I have been reminded over and over this week how wonderfully I am blessed!! All around me, friends are hurting and lives are being shaken. So much has happened this week- and it's only Wednesday... a people that I love are reeling from political turmoil in their country (Kenya)... I spent time praying with a friend who has been grieving the loss of her father... I prayed with another friend who's taking a break from a marriage on the rocks... another friend's marriage ended this weekend, days after she ended the life of a baby inside her... another friend is grieving the loss of an unborn baby she has desperately wanted and prayed for... It has been a heavy week. I've spent a lot of time with God these past few days, much of it crying out for these women that I love. Some are believers, whose faith will be strengthened by their current circumstances; some of their faith has been destroyed, and they need to regain the once solid foundation they once stood on. One has never understood the love of her Creator, and doesn't yet know the salvation and peace He can give her.
I'm not really sure what to think or how to feel. As Rob & I were talking earlier about all these situations, I told him that my heart and emotions are confused- heavy and burdened for my friends, but also light with the realization of so many things we have to be thankful for. I'm guilty of complaining about my job and griping about being cramped in a small apartment. At the same time- I'm grateful to have a good job and good insurance that we haven't had to use because we're healthy. We drove past the house we almost bought last week, and were so happy that it's not ours, because the builder still hasn't finished that street, and it's the lone house in the middle of a desolate construction zone.
The one thing I am sure of: God is good and He is still in control. When nothing else makes sense, we can be still and know that God is God.
I'm not really sure where I intended to go by sharing all this. Maybe I just needed unload a little bit.
Several years ago, a friend shared with me that with the coming of every new year she makes of list of things she's thankful for in the past year, rather than resolutions for the coming one. (Come to think of it, I'm pretty sure I shared about this last January.) I think I'll go make my list- it could take a while. I've got a whole lot to be thankful for!