Thursday, October 02, 2008

At home with my honey

Rob and I are just hanging out at home tonight, and I love it! We've had the best week- I like it when we don't have much going on. Not long after my last post, Rob went to Houston to help with Hurricane Ike clean-up; he was gone for nearly two weeks. I did not handle that well. I love my husband, and I really like having him around. On the contrary, I hate it when he's not around. I was happy when he came home. Very happy!
While Rob was in Texas, I went home to Louisiana for a weekend. It was a lot of fun seeing my family. I got to spend time getting to know my future brother-in-law, Scott, a little better; we girls had a good time shopping for bridesmaids dresses; I got to chat with my granny over a cup of coffee before everyone else woke up; and we all had a blast watching my nephew, David (check out his blog!). My mom must have taken a hundred pictures that weekend, but none have surfaced yet! It's so neat watching him grow and change. The trip had been planned for a while, and turned out to be a wonderful distraction in the middle of Rob's trip.
God has been teaching me a lot lately. I've been meeting with a group of women going through Beth Moore's Stepping Up, and have also had some really good conversations with a couple of girlfriends recently. God has been refining my heart, which is often uncomfortable for a time, but always good. I'm thankful for friends who have challenged me and encouraged me. My times with the Lord have been really sweet thanks to all of these things. I hope I'll be able to expound on that soon, and put words to everything in my head and my heart.
Random change of subject (thinking "out loud")... I want to cook a roast in the crock pot tomorrow. I don't have time to cut up the vegetables & get it all ready in the morning, but I'm afraid that if I cut everything up tonight it will be brown by morning. How do I not have time to cook in a slow-cooker?

1 comment:

Shanna Bauman said...

Jess, I miss you!! So glad you are in a Bible study and being challenged. That's so great! I need to come up to LW again and REALLY get to visit.

Glad all is going well with you!