Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Break out the Pomp & Circumstance

I am proud to announce my graduation from
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary!
During commencement exercises this Friday, December 9,
I will officially receive my
Master of Arts in Missiology.
I would like to thank the academy for this incredible honor.... haha, no- but seriously.
I'm thankful for my parents and my sisters, and my entire family, for their unending support, love, and encouragement. You have graciously stood behind me, no matter how crazy you thought I was, and loved me when you didn't understand me. You're amazing- and I love you so much!
I'm grateful for my seminary friends and classmates, for bringing smiles in the midst of stress. I'm so glad that God allowed me to journey through the past 2.5 years with such fun people.
I'm thankful for my friends who were not in seminary, for reminding me of life "outside the bubble". Thanks for keeping me real!
I thank God for everyone who has prayed for me, carrying me through seminary and over two continents. I'm pretty sure I couldn't have done it without you.
I'm thankful for professors who challenged me, taught me, encouraged me, frustrated me, streched me, and empowered me. I am stronger and more ready to face the world thanks to you.
Thank you God for tears to make the laughter even sweeter, struggles to make the accomplishments more victorious, and for Jesus, who gives meaning to it all.


E.L. said...

You're welcome :-). haha... I love you roomie!! You are almost as smart as you are beautiful and now you have a degree for the world to know it. You're my hero... don't leave me!!

Suzanne said...

Congratulations! That is so cool. I can't wait to see you this weekend. You'll be at DCCF this Sunday morning?