Sunday, September 17, 2006

Tired, but still happy

Did I really say I was going to put up a new post every week? What was I thinking?! And who out there was crazy enough to actually believe me??? Gotcha!!!
It's been a good couple of weeks. Starbucks is running full-speed ahead, and getting busier every day (which I love, by the way). It's got its challenges, but I guess every job does.
The BCM keeps me running around when I'm not making lattes. With the good, the bad, and the ugly- I still think it could be the perfect job for me. My favorite part is absolutely my weekly meetings with the girls. In addition to the regularly scheduled ones, I usually end up having several spontaneous meetings too, and those are just as much fun. Yesterday I got to go with a group of students to build a sidewalk/ramp at the home of a less-fortunate family. It was hard work, but I know more about concrete than I ever thought I would! Don't get me wrong, it's not all easy; I'm being streched in lots of different directions and learning a ton in the process, and that's great no matter how dificult.
God continues to teach me a lot in my personal times with him, too. Last week, after reading in the book of Numbers, Rob and I were talking about chapter 22, when Balaam's donkey turned around and spoke. We both agreed that we hoped we would never be so stubborn that God had to use an animal to speak to us!
Please keep praying for my ministry to the students at UAB. I am so grateful when you lift us up!
(And thanks to those of you who have commented or emailed me about the blog... I was wondering if anyone still reads it!)


The Helgren Family said...

I do read your blog and am so happy for you in the ministry that you have at UAB. Every weekend when I see the football scores for UAB I think of you and lift you up to our Father. I am also so happy for you in your relationship with Rob! :o) You are in our prayers and boy do I miss seeing you at the RAC and here in Texas.
Love you

Glo said...

I am still visiting your blog regularly and enjoy reading your updates. Please keep them coming!
Praying for you!