Saturday, March 29, 2008

100th Post - Lots of catching up to do!

Blogger counts my posts for me, and this is the centennial entry! I feel like I should have something really profound or insightful to share; this may disappoint! I wish this was an outlet for all my deep ponderings, but it's never really accomplished that- it's more for keeping up with old friends that I don't call or email enough! So in that vein, I'll just let you know what's been going on in Nashvegas...

I'm finally starting to feel "settled" in our house. Don't get me wrong- I've still got plenty to do- but I've gotten all the boxes out of the living spaces that we spend our time in. The bonus room and guest rooms are definitely still works in progress. The downstairs and master bedroom are in pretty good shape, though, so I'm feeling a lot less pressure to work on house stuff every moment that I have free. It's a good feeling! We're blessed- God has filled our home with friends, love, and laughter often, and we're happy to have a place to welcome everyone! (That's your invitation to come visit!)

This weekend, I had several girls from UAB up for a Spring Retreat. I can't remember the last time I consumed so much junk food in 24 hours! It was so much fun catching up with them and hanging out. We didn't do a whole lot- it was just good to be together. I sure do miss those girls in Birmingham!

Rob & I will celebrate two years "together" this week on April 1! Time sure flies when you're having fun!! So much has happened in both our lives since we got together in Gatlinburg- we've both moved several times, changed jobs, gotten married, moved a few more times... it's been kind of a whirlwind, but in a good way. The next big thing coming up? We're going to be an aunt & uncle in a few weeks (days?!). My sister Mindi is going to have a baby any day now, and we're almost as anxious as she is to find out if it's David or Ali!!

There is one thoughtful insight I can share. This past week I got to experience God in a new way. I think for the first time, I had a few moments of that "peace that passes all understanding." On the way to an appointment that could have been extremely nerve-wracking, I found myself with no anxiety and no apprehension- only a calmness and peace in knowing that God is in control and nothing can change that. I was reminded that My Father wants what's best for me. This "new" revelation was only two days after Easter Sunday- a day set aside to celebrate Jesus being alive! I got to spend a lot of time this week dwelling on the goodness of God, His Grace and Provisions and Mercy. It's a hard thing to thing to comprehend, and I realize that I may never grasp the full extent of God's grace. And I guess the good part of that is that I'll keep on searching!


Amanda said...

I loved getting to spend the weekend with you, but I'm sad I missed the photo. You and Rob have such a beautiful home! I love you lots!

P.S. I think I'm going to Afica...pretty sure.

David Wike said...

BTW, I LOVE the floors in your house. I am such a geek.

Anonymous said...

I love the inside of your home!!!
It looks so cozy!
Love and praying for you!

Unknown said...

Hey Jesse,

It was great to see your new home in the pictures and also to see Sybil & Tiffany. Give them both our greetings.

Rick & Cooky