Saturday, April 05, 2008

Some things I've learned this week

1. I tend to snuggle more during thunderstorms. (I call it snuggling, Rob calls it me wedged up under his side.)
2. Dolly Parton said in Steel Magnolias, "Noone cries alone in my presence,"- and that's still true. When my friends are hurting and cry, I cry with them. Even if I'm a hundred miles away.
3. If God puts someone on your mind more than once- call them.
4. We are called to serve God with gladness- wherever He calls us. In ministry, in our daily jobs, in marriage, in the grocery store. Our joy is to be in Him; not in our situation.
5. Clover may look fluffy and harmless, but it's roots are deep and strong. It's the monster in my flower-bed.
6. No matter how hard or sincere you pray, God doesn't turn grapes into chocolate. I know. I asked Him. He said NO.

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