Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I couldn't think of anything clever to title this post. I'm on day 2 of an alleged 24-hour stomach bug. And it is gross! I'll spare you all the intimate details, and just tell you that I've lost 5 pounds since Monday. Deduce for yourself how that is possible.
Spending two days in bed has allowed me lots of time to sleep and watch a ridiculous amount of Gilmore Girls. I'm pretty sure Rob and I did some cool stuff this year before I got sick, but I'm having a hard time remembering it all. 2009 has been good so far... we went hiking (and picnicking) at Burgess Falls State Park- I'll try to remember to put up some pictures soon. And we saw Gran Torino (if you can look past the foul language and racial slurs, it was a really good movie about cross-cultural interaction). We've been working on plans for a trip back to Romania and the Czech Republic in March. Oh, and a new season of 24 started, and that's pretty exciting to me. (If I wasn't so in love with Rob, I would probably love Jack Bauer.)
That's pretty much all for now. Nothing great to write about, I just felt like I should check in since I had a little time on my hands. Now I need to go get a Clorox wipe and clean my keyboard. Over and out.

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