Saturday, January 28, 2006

What really matters

I was planning to write an update tonight, and say that I got a cortisone shot in my foot Thursday, and it's still a little swollen, but I think it's going to be fine. It's sore, but it's fine.
And then I got an email from my friend, my sister-in-Christ, Vesta (who also happens to be my former supervisor from our Czech days). Two years ago, two brain tumors were removed from her body. This past week, an MRI revealed two more, and another that had started out small and non-threatening had doubled in size in a year's time. My foot doesn't hurt that much anymore.
I'm filled with questions that no one can answer. But as I talked to my friend Jerod tonight, he reminded me that God works all things together for good for those who love Him and are called by Him (that was before I read Vesta's email). No matter what happens to our physical bodies, God is working in our lives, and that is good. Thanks for the encouraging reminders Jerod- press on.
HE IS the answer... every time... no matter what.
Please pray for Vesta and Mark, for strength to continue to demonstrate God's love and grace as they face whatever the next few days hold. Pray that God will be glorified, and His name made known among the nations.

1 comment:

jason7655 said...

wow...I come to your site to check up on you and find out about Vesta. I'll be praying for all of this.