Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Rob came to visit this weekend, and we had a really good time. Friday night, we had dinner with Julie & Gary- friends who are getting ready to head to the mission field in a couple of weeks (Julie was the first one to suggest that Rob & I should get together a few years ago). Saturday we went to the Birmingham Botanical Gardens in the morning (beautiful and very peaceful... maybe my new favorite place in B'ham), and to Megan & Bret's wedding that afternoon (we went on our first double date with them back in April!). And Sunday we went to church at Shades Mountain- where half the youth group (or so it seemed) had been recruited by Rob to go to Union... he was the most popular visitor there!
Megan was a beautiful bride, and by far, the calmest one I've ever seen!! When I went in to see her before the wedding, there was no rocking, no pacing, no tears- she was just ready to become Mrs. Bret Golson! I was honored to go in and pray with Megan Smith one last time before her name changed. I love you, girl, no matter what your name is!! AND- I caught my first ever wedding bouquet at the reception! I have to be honest, I wasn't looking to catch it, and even placed myself behind a little girl thinking she would grab it for sure, but somehow it ended up in my hand. It was fun, though, and I've been enjoying the pretty pink roses! Everyone should have fresh flowers in their home- they make everything a little better, and who doesn't smile when they get flowers? Bring flowers to someone tomorrow!!
My old roommate Erin came to visit and go to the wedding too. We had a great time catching up Saturday night in the dark (my electricity was out for about 15 hours). My heart was encouraged after our talk, maybe not by the words that were exchanged, but more by God reminding me of some simple truths that came up while we were talking. I was reminded of the huge responsibility that I have as a college minister; and the awesome joy that comes with leading them closer to the Lord. It's not about me.
But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. I will sing to the LORD, for he has been good to me. Psalm 13: 5-6


Amy said...

Sounds like a fun weekend! I went to Shades when I lived in B-ham. :)

I hope to come for a visit soon!

jason7655 said...

Wow...catching the flowers.

That's how it all begins.
