Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Step 1

They say the first step in battling an addiction is admitting you have a problem. So, I'm going to start with that right here. I'm addicted to 24, the tv series. It's a pretty intense show: 24 episodes per season, 1 hour per episode, each hour representing one hour in "the longest day of Jack Bauer's life". So basically, at the end of the season, you've seen what happened all 24 hours of a single day for a federal counter-terrorist agent.
I watched ALL 24 hours this past weekend!!!
Now, to cover myself a little, with no commercials, each hour is actually only about 40-45 minutes. AND, I had a mild case of food poisoning on Monday, so I wasn't going anywhere anyway. But yes, I watched season 1 in its entirety between Saturday afternoon and Monday night. I think anyone who's ever seen the show will probably sympathize with me, and understand what I went through. I'm addicted just the same though.


RC said...

kim & I just finished season 2 last weekend.

We did season 1 a couple months's crazy huh?

We took a little break before starting season 2 and dove in.

Season 2's definitly a little different...sign up w/ netflix and start watching it!

Could you believe the end of season one...teri, sheri, CTU?


Amy said...

It's time for another post. You teased us by giving us several in a row, and now you've disappeared.

I miss you (and your posts)!