Tuesday, May 01, 2007

New Month, New Job, New Home

Happy May Day!!!
It's been a full day for me- I started my new job AND got the keys and began moving into my new apartment!
My last week in Birmingham was incredible. God confirmed for me again that Birmingham was exactly where I was supposed to be this past year, and I'm so grateful for the time I had there. I was blessed to serve a fantastic group of students alongside three wonderful co-laborers. On my last night at the BCM, I was given a scrapbook full of letters... those letters don't represent anything that I did, but the work of Christ in the lives of students at UAB. My heart was touched, though, that they thought to share with me how God changed them over the past 12 months (and I cried like a baby as I read them!) Wow- thank you, Lord, for letting me be a small part of Your work at the University of Alabama- Birmingham.
As for now, I'm liking my new job (at least, I think so after one day!) I'm training to be a project manager with a company that sells & distributes doors to commercial builders. I'm working in the national accounts department, which means that I'll be working with general contractors building new stores for Kroger, Office Depot, Hobby Lobby, and Petco- just to name a few. It's a TON of stuff to learn, and it will definitely be a challenge, but I'm excited about it.
Before I forget- here's my new address... write it in your address books in pencil, though! It's only temporary, for the summer. Hopefully I'll have a more permanent address to share with you in August.
(email me if you want it! I'm not dumb enough to post it here!)
The best part of my new apartment- besides the dishwasher and pool- is its proximity to Rob. We've now gone from living 200 miles apart to just 2 minutes apart!! (I'm just kidding- I'll take him over a dishwasher any day!!)
I also wanted to let you know that you can now "subscribe" to my blog! When you enter your email address, you'll receive automatic email updates whenever I write a new update. The emails aren't instant, but you'll get the text of my blog straight to your inbox without having to check back to my homepage. When you subscribe, you'll have to enter a "code" of random letters, and then you'll get an email from the "Feedburner" service that you must reply to in order to confirm your subscription. Maybe this will help prompt me to update my blog more often!! So sign up!
God is abundantly good...

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Hey girl!! Glad things are going well, we miss you in the HAM but know God has great things for you there. My blog is mountainofgod.blogspot.com