Friday, January 02, 2009

Happy 2009

I've told you here before that I don't make New Year's Resolutions. I used to, but I never kept them. Instead, I try to use January 1 as a bench-mark day to stop and look back and think of all the things I'm grateful for in the past year... counting my blessings, if you want to call it that. Here's my top 29, in honor of my final year of my 20's...

Jess' Gratitude List- 2008
1. Rob- easily my number one! 2008 was our first Jan 1-Dec 31 as husband and wife, and it was incredible! I love him more every day. (Seriously- I'm not just saying that.)
2. My salvation- it's been kind of a dry year for me spiritually, but I know that God is still good and my faith is growing again.
3. Sunshine- On our way home on New Years Day, Rob & I saw the prettiest sunset I've seen in a long time; I wish I'd had my camera. This morning, driving to work, I was blessed with another amazing sky shortly after sunrise. I'm hanging on to that as a promise of a beautiful year ahead!
4. My family- I appreciate my parents & sisters more and more the older I get, and I'm thankful that we have good relationships.
5. My in-laws- I know that it's a treasure to get along as well as I do with my husband's family.
6. Good health- 2008 will go down for me as the year I finally lost 20 lbs (and got into my smallest pants since high school) and became a lifetime member of Weight Watchers; I feel good!!
7. Old Friends- sometimes they know me better than I know myself
8. New Friends- I'm especially grateful for Rachel, Andie, Erin, and Charity
9. David- my nephew. I've never loved another face like I do his!
10. My job- here's to finding work with a Purpose
11. Servpro- for all that it means to me: the business that supports my family and keeps my house from disaster
12. The employees at Servpro- Rob finally has a good crew in place that he can trust, meaning he has to work fewer long hours and weekends. I appreciate them.
13. A really good church home
14. Our community group
15. Water- I just like it!
16. Facebook- it has been so fun to reconnect with old friends
17. My grandmothers- I've tried to be more intentional in my relationships with them this year. I'm lucky to still have them both! They have been an inspiration to me
18. Dark chocolate m&m's (just being honest. I'm thankful for them!)
19. The translators who are working with me on Share Jesus Without Fear and The Call to Follow Christ... 15 down, 85 to go!
20. My friends at work- Juliana, Stacie, Joan and Stephanie. They make my Monday-Friday happier
21. DVR
22. Freedom
23. Music
24. Yankee Candles
25. Coffee
26. Mexican Food
27. My iRobot vacuum cleaner (who we affectionately call "Danny Tanner")
28. Oswald Chambers' My Utmost for His Highest
29. Smiles and laughter that have filled our first home

I pray for you that 2009 will be a year with even more for which to be thankful!!

1 comment:

Shanna Bauman said...

Okay so I've been a little behind in reading your blog so I'll make all my comments here in this one but they pertain to others...

1) So sorry about your water heater but glad it wasn't too bad!! As you know, we had trouble with ours and had to replace the WHOLE thing. Over $1000 out the door! So glad that didn't happen to you.

2) I can't believe you got a Wii! I'm so utterly jealous. I'm dying to have one but I guess the Lord knows I don't need one or I'd be so consumed! I'm already too consumed with the computer so it's a good thing I guess.... BUT anyway - I'm so jealous!!

3) Your 29 things are so precious! Your truly a gem of a person and I hate that we don't see each other as much!

4) So great that you talked about Christmas traditions and food - Brian and I have had that conversation at least 4 times over this holiday. "What are some foods we can eat EVERY year". You'll have sausage pinwheels and we'll have ?? hmm.. we haven't decided yet!

Miss you! Let's do lunch soon.