Monday, August 10, 2009

Getting Ready for Sydney

Sometimes it's hard to find time to just to sit and rest (and update your blog). But what about when your doctor tells you to go home and put your feet up? Well, daytime TV was interesting for about ten minutes and here I am.
Rob went out of town last week, and I was left with the decision whether or not to keep our plans to go to Jackson, TN, and see our friends from Rob's college days by myself or not. I decided to go, and it turned out to be the right decision. I thought I was going for a baby shower for our friend Sabrena (whose baby is due TOMORROW, by the way!), but it was actually a surprise shower for both of us! The girls did a great job throwing us off, even going so far as to send out two evites- one for each of us to see a shower for the other- and have everyone respond to both. The brunch was delicious, the laughs were abundant, and the gifts were precious! (Our two little girls are going to be adorable!!) Can I just say right now that baby girl clothes are the cutest and SO much fun to shop for? Yes, it's my blog and I'm saying it! Anyway, it was a wonderful surprise and I had a blast with our friends!
My due date is three months away, and I'm about to enter the third trimester. Wow! Have I started getting the nursery ready yet? If you count picking out a crib and bedding started, then yes. If "getting started" requires actual moving of furniture or painting (or choosing paint colors) then not so much. It's ok though- I tend to work better under pressure! We'll get it done, I have no doubt about that. I'm just not sure about when... Nursery or not, I'm ready to meet and hold my little girl!

1 comment:

Jennifer H. said...

Girl, I know it is hard to wait. There were moments where I was close to tears with longing for Meg to be here. Everyone says, "Enjoy the time you have before she gets here" but it's a lot easier said than done!

By the way, girl clothes ARE the best and SO fun! :)