Friday, October 16, 2009

Resting, but not Restless

Ok, my last post was about how much I'm missing sleep. A week later- my doctor put me on partial bedrest. Um, ironic? Honestly, I haven't napped at all one day on bedrest. I've layed around a lot and watched a couple of movies A DAY, but in less than two days boredom was starting to creep in. So I decided to be productive, and I pulled out my old knitting & crocheting bag.

Over the weekend I had gone to Michael's and bought a few new supplies, totally not knowing I'd have so much time to try them out so soon! I made a few baby hats, but they needed "a little something". I found a website with free craft patterns and downloaded a pattern for crocheted flower embellishments. Now, I'm still a novice (I couldn't even read the pattern myself!), so I called a sweet crochet-er from my community group yesterday and Eloise came over to help. She patiently helped me understand the pattern and guided me through three petals before she had to leave. I was so excited when I finished- and it looked like a flower! I got to work and made several more last night (I was afraid I would forget if I didn't get it firmly into my head immediately!) And tah-dah!!! They're not perfect, but I had fun making them, and will probably be making a lot more in the next several weeks. Does craftiness count as nesting?

1 comment:

Jennifer H. said...

SO cute! Sydney will look adorable in them!