Sunday, August 07, 2005


Have you ever seen the show "While you were out"? I surprised Lisa this week by rearranging her living room while she was at work one day. I spent the day Wednesday shopping for new lamps & new curtains, and Thursday I got up early and set to work, moving furniture and putting up the new stuff. It was tough moving the couches, but I had fun knowing how shocked Lisa would be. I just wish I could have been there when she got home from work that night... I had to work myself that night. She was so surprised- and it felt good to know that I had blessed someone else.
Work is getting better & better. With every shift, I feel a little more confident about the job I'm doing...
Kayla just called me. A deer ran out in front of her car last night when she was on her way home, and she flipped her CRV three times. Miraculously, she got out with only a few scratches and bruises. Strange enough, her accident happened at almost the same point on the highway where I had my first and only wreck five years ago, "give or take a few feet" according to my mom. I'm so thankful she's ok.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Jess!
I had a wonderful time with you at the beach. I'm looking forward to our next Girl's Reunion.
Love you! Lo